Who couldn't perfectly ream a lemon wearing a bright-red apron emblazoned with the Martha Stewart logo? No one. Absolutely no one. And that cute little tea kettle just tickles me.
Sleek stainless-steel mixing bowls with rubber bases ensure a sturdy stirring experience. A nice bar of kitchen soap, strong enough to remove onion and garlic odors, comes in handy after meal prep.

I just love the colours of this collection: plastic mixing bowls in cool blues and vintage-style collanders in lime green.

Among the products are some pre-packaged food items (gasp!) including various cake mixes, shown at left. An adorable tin recipe holder in signature aqua is a must-have.

Coral patterned sheets and faux-bois patterned towels are among the most alluring things I've seen all year. Based on elements found at Martha's seaside home in Maine, they speak only of luxury.